18 more results in Shops/Businesses for sale - let Poynton Within 10 miles
- 5325936966AgencyGreater Manchester£49,950•Taking £4,000 per week •Rent £385 per week •Seating for 50 •Prominent corner site •Scope to increase the existing takings •Surrounded by many other businesses, pubs & eateries •Main road site in affluent village centre…Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterStockport
- 5325553587AgencyGreater Manchester£59,000Taking £5,000 - £6,000 per week Rent £208 per week 75% deliveries Village centre Huge scope to extend the current opening hours Very busy main road Surrounded by many independent businesses and industry Bay parking to …Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterStockport
- 5324831824AgencyGreater Manchester£34,950Taking £3,000 - £4,000 per week Rent £385 per week 75% deliveries 1 bed accommodation let @ £500 per calendar month Seating for 12 Busy main road in village centre Surrounded by shops, offices and other eateries Huge sco…Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterManchester
- 5324667548AgencyGreater Manchester£59,950•Taking £3,500 per week •Rent £259 per week •1 bed accommodation •Scope to extend the current opening hours •End of parade location •Very busy main road •Surrounded by many shops, businesses & residential area •Close to…Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterStockport
- 5324247306AgencyGreater Manchester£29,950Taking £1,800 per week Rent £150 per week 5 workstations Busy main road location Scope to extend the current opening hours Superb middle parade location Surrounded by other businesses & large residential area Benefits …Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterTameside
- 5320887899AgencyGreater Manchester£50,000Taking £5,000 per week Rent £485 per week Seating for 110 plus al fresco seating for 20 Very busy junction Very high levels of passing trade Surrounded by shops, eateries, offices, pubs & residential dwellings Mid parade…Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterStockport
- 5318242758AgencyGreater Manchester£89,950Taking £4,000 per week Rent £230 per week Well-appointed dining area for 45 & bar with seating for 4 Run by staff Possesses alcohol licence Town centre location Mid parade, surrounded by many businesses, shops, bars & ea…Shops/Businesses for sale - letGreater ManchesterTameside
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