- 1329649770ProfessionalWokingham£300'The Passion of Dance' by Richard Young (R Young Art) Fine Art 60cm x 40cm canvas, signed, extremely high quality Ltd Edition Hand Embellished Original Giclée Print of my original figurative oil painting. Framed and rea…football memorabiliaWokinghamBarkham - Wokingham
- 1329890108ProfessionalWokingham£200Fine art framed original contemporary figurative oil painting on a 76cm x 56cm stretched cotton canvas in a very contemporary style. It's framed and ready to hang. Take her home today... I am a multi award winning figura…Books and collectablesWokinghamBarkham - Wokingham
- 1329682726ProfessionalWokingham£300'Defiance' by Richard Young (R Young Art) Fine Art 75cm x 50cm canvas, signed, extremely high quality Ltd Edition Hand Embellished Original Giclée Print of my original figurative oil painting. Framed and ready to hang. …football memorabiliaWokinghamBarkham - Wokingham
- 1329630314ProfessionalWokingham£300'Ladies Night' by Richard Young (R Young Art) Fine Art 75cm x 50cm canvas, signed, extremely high quality Ltd Edition Hand Embellished Original Giclée Print of my original figurative oil painting. RRP = £496. This is a…football memorabiliaWokinghamBarkham - Wokingham
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