While it might not be your first thought, recognising unhealthy behaviours in clients is crucial for fostering a safe and professional sex work environment.
Compulsive or problematic behaviors, such as excessive spending or dependency, can negatively impact clients and service providers. So, it’s critical to be aware of and tackle these issues when they arise.
This article aims to help sex workers spot unhealthy client behaviours, understand their causes, and address them while maintaining boundaries and promoting well-being. Let’s get started.
Clients and compulsive behaviours: Why it matters
Before we look at the signs that your client has an unhealthy relationship with sex work, it’s best to define what we mean by an unhealthy relationship and discuss why this matters to escorts and sex workers.
Compulsive behaviours are repetitive actions driven by an overwhelming urge, often performed to alleviate stress or emotional discomfort despite negative consequences.
In the context of purchasing sex work services, this can manifest as excessive bookings, spending beyond one’s means, or an inability to resist engaging despite guilt or personal harm. You can even compare this to a shopping addiction, where individuals compulsively buy to manage emotions. Compulsive clients may use sex work as a coping mechanism.
Both behaviours follow a pattern of short-term relief followed by regret, perpetuating a harmful cycle.
This information matters for sex workers because recognizing and addressing compulsive behaviors ensures a healthier professional environment, protects your personal boundaries, and helps to prevent emotional or financial strain caused by clients’ unhealthy dependency on services.
In short, being aware of the signs protects you and the client!
Potential impacts on your client
Compulsive use of sex work services can lead to a range of personal and relational issues for clients, and we’ll discuss the main ones below.
Firstly, when someone relies too heavily on sex work to cope with emotions, it can strain relationships with those closest to them – partners, friends, or family. This causes feelings of isolation or betrayal and ultimately impacts their mental health and well-being.
Financial problems may also arise if a client overspends, leading to stress and debt – especially if the client is spending more than they earn.
In some cases, this dependency can even result in legal trouble, especially if it involves dishonesty, deception, or crossing boundaries.
For escorts, dealing with these behaviours can be emotionally taxing, affecting their well-being and creating an unhealthy dynamic that’s hard to manage. So, it’s best for everyone involved if the problem is addressed and dealt with safely.
Signs of an unhealthy relationship with sex work
Are you worried that a client or someone you know has an unhealthy relationship with sex work? Here are some tell-tale signs to look for before you discuss the topic:
1. Overspending on sex work services
Typically, clients may start spending large sums on sex work services, even when they are clearly struggling financially.
For example, they might neglect bill payments or spend all of their disposable income to continue booking sessions, putting themselves into debt and financial hardship.
2. Compulsion to book despite financial difficulties
Likewise, you should look for clients who continue booking sessions despite complaining about financial difficulties.
This could be overspending like point one, but it may also look like a client who lost a job and continues to book or a client with a family who spends their income on sex work rather than their dependents.
3. Using sex work to deal with negative emotions
A sexy session with an escort is a great stress-buster, but sometimes, using sex work to cope with negative emotions goes too far.
Look for clients leaning too heavily on sex work to patch up feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or stress. This is particularly key if a client has just experienced a breakup, personal loss, or another significant life event.
4. Feelings of guilt and shame
Sometimes, a client might express guilt or shame after a sex work session. You might notice clients apologising for their behaviour, even if it was normal, or being defensive about their desires.
Admissions of these feelings usually indicate deeper emotional struggles, and the cycle of guilt can lead clients to unhealthy behaviour patterns.
5. Increased bookings
Have you noticed that a client who saw you once or twice a year is now trying to book every day?
A rapid increase in bookings might indicate signs of dependency or an unhealthy relationship with sex work, especially if the client seems reliant on the time with you.
6. Secretive behaviours
It’s normal for sex work clients to keep their bookings on the down-low.
However, there’s a fine line between discreet bookings and being obsessed with deleting the evidence that they’re seeing sex workers.
So, if a client suddenly seems overly paranoid, it might be because they’re developing an unhealthy obsession.
How to address an unhealthy client relationship
You’ve noticed a few of the signs above. Now what?
Keep it professional
There are a few ways to address this unhealthy relationship, and the first step is to set or reaffirm your professional boundaries. Remind clients of your working hours and availability, and even limit how many sessions they can book per week.
If a client starts to push the boundaries by making excessive bookings, politely refuse their request and stay consistent.
Consistency is key when it comes to remaining professional and letting them know they can’t walk all over you.
Encourage professional assistance
If you notice compulsive behaviors in a client and feel comfortable giving them advice, gently suggest that they seek therapy or counseling to address underlying issues such as loneliness, emotional distress, or addiction.
While it’s not your role to provide therapy, guiding clients toward appropriate help shows compassion and can lead to healthier outcomes for both parties.
However, you mustn’t put their well-being above yours. Which takes us to the next point…
Recognizing when you’re feeling drained, frustrated, or stressed is important for maintaining your own well-being.
If you don’t feel your best, seek support from networks, other professionals, or counselors who understand the unique challenges of sex work.
Taking time for self-care and processing your emotions ensures that you stay emotionally healthy while managing difficult situations.
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