Happy International Sex Workers’ Day! The 2nd of June is here, and we’re celebrating ISWD by raising awareness and information. Today, we’re focusing on the history of this day, what this means for non-sex workers, and seven things all sex…
Happy International Sex Workers’ Day! The 2nd of June is here, and we’re celebrating ISWD by raising awareness and information. Today, we’re focusing on the history of this day, what this means for non-sex workers, and seven things all sex…
Menstrual Hygiene Day is here, and today, we’re turning our focus to that special time of the month. Love it or hate it, millions of people around the world menstruate, and it’s a normal bodily function we must normalise. What…
These days, the internet has a solution for everything. From ordering groceries to staying connected, you can do everything from home – including visiting a strip club. That’s right! The world of stripping is now available online, allowing dancers to…
Happy Online Romance Day! Yes, this is a real day dedicated to love, connections, and relationships formed online. May 14th is the time to send your online beau some digital love. Navigating dating apps as a sex worker Dating app…
Sex work is an industry like no other. Escorts and sex workers offer services that require very intimate interactions with different clients. The job can be exciting, pleasurable, and a whole lot of fun – but that doesn’t mean it’s…
OnlyFans is a platform that’s given sex workers and adult content creators the freedom to make money and connect to audiences worldwide. But sometimes, users don’t play by the rules. What are OnlyFan’s laws on leaking content? Steps to take…
A smartwatch might seem like a frivolous purchase. But when you look closer, these watches can make your life and work a lot easier. Today, we’re connecting the dots between sex work and smartwatches and proving that these small pieces…
The majority of customers you’ll meet at the club will make you smile. But, unfortunately, there will always be a few who make you wish you were at home. Unpleasant customers pop up in any career. However, they can be…
Have you ever considered whether your location when escorting is beneficial to your career? Or have you simply set up shop where you’re based? Where you work can impact your career more than you might expect, and today we’ll explain…
It’s exciting when a booking message appears in your inbox. But this excitement can quickly turn sour if you know the person from your “vanilla life”. Today, we’re exploring what you should do if someone you know tries to book…
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